Sl No. | Project Name | Country | Customer Name | Location | Completion Date |
1 | Design, Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Chimtala220kV Switchyard Extension and 220/110kV Substation Expansion DABS/009/ICB | Afghanistan | Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) | Chimtala, Kabul Afghanistan | July 2018 |
2 | North East Power System Connecting Northern Towns Program (NEPS Program) Lot 5 - Medium and Low Voltage Distribution in Khulm | Afghanistan | FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG | Khulm, Afghanistan | November 2017 |
3 | North East Power System Connecting Northern Towns Program (NEPS Program) Lot 4 – Medium and Low Voltage Distribution in Marmol | Afghanistan | FICHTNER GmbH & Co. KG | Marmol, Afghanistan | May 2017 |
4 | Design, Supply and Installation of Distribution Plant for Kabul South West (Dasht-e-Barchi) Distribution Networks DABS/005/ICB | Afghanistan | FEKA Construction Industry & Trade Inc. | Dasht-e-Barchi, Afghanistan | May 2017 |
5 | Material handling, execution of infrastructural civil works incl. construction of store, office etc. and Erection, Testing, Commissioning, trial operations& handing over of complete E&M packages comprising Francis Turbines, Generators, Excitation system, Generator Transformers, Bus Duct, Switchyard, BOPs etc. with their auxiliaries, for 42 MW (3x14 MW) SALMA DAM Hydro Power Project | Afghanistan | Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) | Chist-e- Sharif, Afghanistan | October 2016 |
6 | Erection and Testing/Commissioning of 220/20KV Substation at Charikar | Afghanistan | Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) | Charikar, Afghanistan | February 2016 |
7 | Execution and Handing Over of Civil Works for 220/20KV Substation at Charikar and 220/20KV Substation at Doshi in Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) | Charikar and Doshi, Afghanistan | July 2015 |
8 | Erection and Testing/Commissioning of 220/20KV Substation at Doshi | Afghanistan | Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) | Doshi, Afghanistan | July 2015 |
9 | MEW/S 504, Gulbahar, Charikar and Jabel-e-Saraj Electrification Rehabilitation Project (Design/Built) | Afghanistan | MEW/SMEC | Gulbahar, Charikar and Jabel-e-Saraj, Afghanistan | April 2014 |
10 | EEAS-134-DELAFGK-SUP-DIR Provision, Preparatory Works, Installation of a Power Plant consisting of Diesel Generators Stationary, Transformer, Stabilizers with Auxiliaries Installations | Afghanistan | Delegation of the European Union to Afghanistan | Kabul, Afghanistan | December 2013 |
11 | MIW/WB/MEW/KBL/KBL/001/C1/005, Energy Efficiency Program in Maiwand Hospital (MIW) Lot 3 | Afghanistan | Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) | Kabul, Afghanistan | January 2014 |
12 | VTC/WB/MEW/KBL/001/C1/009, Energy Efficiency Program in Vocational Training Center (VTC) Lot 1 | Afghanistan | Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) | Kabul, Afghanistan | October 2013 |
13 | MIW/WB/MEW/KBL/KBL/001/C1/005, Energy Efficiency Program in Kabul University Girl’s Dormetory (MIW) Lot 2 | Afghanistan | Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) | Kabul, Afghanistan | January 2014 |
14 | Kandahar Breshna Kot -EPC Subcontract 042246 KDBK.73.1010 | Afghanistan | Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp. Joint Venture (BVSPC) | Kandahar, Afghanistan | October 2013 |
15 | MEW/502 - Supply and Installation of Mazar-E-Sharif Distribution Rehabilitation Works | Afghanistan | Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW/SMEC) | Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan | August 2013 |
16 | IRCON/9034/Afghan. ELSS/ Aybak Civil Works/06 Foundations (Civil Works) for following Structures in Aybak 220/20kV Sub-Station | Afghanistan | IRCON International Limited | Aybak, Afghanistan | February 2014 |
17 | Construction of Indian Chancery Building at Kabul, Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Government of India Central Public Works Department c/o Embassy of India, Kabul, Afghanistan | Kabul, Afghanistan | June 2012 |
18 | W5J9JE-11-P-0091 Kabul Solar Street Lights (Phase II), Kabul, Afghanistan | Afghanistan | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) | Kabul, Afghanistan | January 2012 |
19 | W917PM-09-C-0005 Supply, Installation of a Complete Power Plant Connected to the 20 k V Distribution Networks for ANP National Police Training Center (NTC) Maydan –Wardak Province, Afghanistan (Design/Built) | Afghanistan | Technologists, Inc. | Maydan –Wardak, Afghanistan | February 2012 |
20 | Supply and Installation of Transformer and Cables for Electrification of MUD 473 Wells (AL-05, 07, 08, 12, 13, 14, 15, LG - 11 & Nasaji Wells NS – 02 & NS - 03) | Afghanistan | JV Fichtner WT - IGIP-BETS | Kabul, Afghanistan | July 2011 |
21 | MEW 300/3 - Renovation of Junction Stations 2, 7 & 12 | Afghanistan | MEW/ SMEC | Kabul, Afghanistan | May 2011 |
22 | 041750.TO9.S018, 041750.T09.S088, 041750.TO9.S039, 041750.T09, Kabul 100MW Balance of Plant, 110KV Substation /Switchyard and 110kV Tr Lx entire Construction – Only (Including Civil Works) | Afghanistan | LBG B&V, AIRP | Kabul, Afghanistan | April 2009 |
23 | Kandahar 9MW Power Plant (Breshna Kot) | Afghanistan | LBG B&V, AIRP | Kandahar, Afghanistan | December 2008 |
24 | W917PM-07-C-0088 CNP design and construction of 110kVT line and 20kV double circuit power lines including its civil construction works (Design/Built) | Afghanistan | US Corps of Engineers/ UI Projects | Kabul, Afghanistan | October 2008 |
25 | Installation of 20KV, 400V and Power House Distribution for City of Aybak | Afghanistan | AEAI/ USAID | Aybak, Afghanistan | July 2008 |
26 | JAF 1 Maintenance Hanger Electrical Upgrade North Side Cantonment Area, Kabul Intl Airport, Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Kabul Regional Contracting CTR | Kabul, Afghanistan | June 2008 |
27 | Supply, delivery, installation and training of quantity two (2) 110/20kV-20MVA transformers in Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan | Afghanistan | Chemonics International, INC. | Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan | December 2007 |
28 | USAID C No. EPP-I-00-03-00004-00, Task Order No. 801, AEAI Project No. 1101, Qalat City electrifications Rehabilitation | Afghanistan | AEAI | Qalat, Afghanistan | August 2007 |
29 | Supply & Installation of Qty 10 630KVA Distribution Transformers | Afghanistan | Technologists, Inc. | Kabul, Afghanistan | May 2007 |
30 | Mazar-e-Sharif Industrial Park Power Plant "8 MVA of Power" | Afghanistan | Technologists, Inc. | Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan | April 2007 |
31 | Supply & installation of MV & LV cables, Pad mounted Transformers, Pad mounted Switchgear and all other electrical items/hardware to complete the system | Afghanistan | US Corps of Engineers/ UI Projects | Kabul, Afghanistan | April 2006 |
32 | Supply & installation of Qty 2 450KVA Stand by diesel Generator | Afghanistan | Bearing Point, Inc. | Kabul, Afghanistan | February 2006 |
33 | Supply & installation of Dist. Transformers, Dist. Panels, underground cable, Street light poles, Fused Disconnectors, Lighting Arrestors, poles & Overhead Conductor | Afghanistan | Technologists, Inc. | Kabul, Afghanistan | August 2005 |
34 | Women Dormitory Project | Afghanistan | UNOPS | Kabul, Afghanistan | July 2005 |
35 | Kabul University Faculties | Afghanistan | UNOPS | Kabul, Afghanistan | June 2005 |
36 | Supply & installation of Qty 1 250KVA Dist. Transformer TV station mountain project | Afghanistan | BC | Afghanistan | June 2005 |
37 | Bagrami Industrial Park Phase I | Afghanistan | Technologists, Inc. | Afghanistan | December 2005 |
38 | The Installation of the Main Power Distribution System at the New Elections Compound, Jalalabad Road, Kabul | Afghanistan | UNOPS | Afghanistan | August 2005 |
39 | Bagrami Industrial Park Phase I | Afghanistan | Technologists, Inc. | Afghanistan | August 2004 |
40 | Combined cycle feasibility study of North- West | Afghanistan | ININ/ WOOD GROUP | Afghanistan | March 2004 |
41 | WAK Hospital Project | Afghanistan | ICRC | Afghanistan | June 2003 |
42 | Ibne Sina Hospital Project | Afghanistan | SAMRIN | Afghanistan | April 2003 |
43 | Kabul Ambulance Project | Afghanistan | ICRC | Afghanistan | March 2003 |
44 | 110 & 20kV Transmission Line | Afghanistan | Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW) | Afghanistan | March 2006 |
Merlin Infinite – Unit # 603, 6th Floor, DN Block, Sector V, Salt Lake, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700091, India
Office # 4, 4th Floor, AZ Mall, Kohinoor City, Behind Al Fatah Store, Jaranwala Road, Faisalabad
+92 322 2812 013